At LAND, the focus is on plants & garden design for truly cold climates.
Inspiring & educating is at the root of it all.
Plants, gardens, & green spaces have the power to connect people, to nurture & heal, to relax & replenish. Overall, they increase our sense of happiness & well-being.
Good design is emotive. It creates dynamic, livable places.
Human curiosity, creativity, & ingenuity can find innovative sustainable solutions, build community, & cultivate beauty.
Social & environmental responsibility creates strong economies & vibrant communities, making the world a better & greener place.

inspire novice & experienced gardeners alike
engage the next generation & build community
encourage us to see our spaces as they could be
intrigue with dynamic design & inspiration
Feast your eyes on beauty.
Dig into stories worth sharing.
Learn something new.
Come to share inspiration & stories that uplift, motivate change, surprise & spark our curiosity, or give us a moment to breathe. Find stories that entice us into our communities, our gardens, & out into nature.
Keep reading below to find what else can be found in the articles & that is in the deeper nature of land

Do you remember when playing outside was an adventure?
Our kids need to engage with the natural world around them, to experience the wonder. They are after all the environmental guardians of tomorrow.
At LAND, find ideas for getting kids involved in gardening, being in the outdoors, & bringing some more creative natural play into their lives. Plus, learn about why it's important & the designers who create these magical spaces.
Decades worth of research indicates green space improves our physical & mental well-being, even our sense of happiness.
Gardening is therapeutic. It reduces stress & anxiety, plus it's a great tool for rehabilitation. The bonus is great physical activity -- some gardening tasks are akin to jogging!
Did you know hospices, hospitals, & doctors are listening? Some are prescribing gardening & time in nature, while building restful & playful outdoor green spaces.

Discover the possibilities for your community, how good placemaking brings people together.
Did you know that streets & neighbourhoods where people garden in their front yards not only have less crime, but also feel a stronger sense of community?
Learn about urban planning initiatives & greening projects lead by the community.
Hear stories from around the world about communities & nature thriving.
Nature is a learning space for people young & old, of all origins, ethnicities, genders, & abilities.
Outdoor learning spaces can be as small as a simple container of vegetables, to demo gardens & outdoor classrooms, or in the vast wilds of nature.
See what care centres, schools, & communities, are doing to encourage active learning opportunities, foster self-awareness, & nurture self-confidence.
Read inspirational stories from those who have benefited from these spaces & programs.

Hope is like sunshine on a darkened path
(ancient Chinese proverb)
We have challenges in the century ahead. LAND believes in our potential, sees opportunity, & looks for solutions.
Explore garden topics like permaculture, forest gardening, rain gardens, & xeriscape schemes.
Plus, find stories that demonstrate how creative & dynamic the human spirit really is. Showcased are some of the people & ideas taking us towards a more sustainable future.
Whatever you do, promise me that every project you make or design, you'll take the risk of doing something for humanity.
Frank Gehry