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As a child I had the run of an idyllic spot, tucked into a birch & poplar grove looking out onto a shallow sand-bottomed lake, under night-time skies alight with aurora borealis.  Many of my earliest childhood memories are about the beauty of nature.




at Land

Tao Chamberlin

vision & enthusiasm
collaboration & interdisciplinary practice
sustainable social & environmental responsibility


I'm an adventurer who cares.

I grew up alongside Indigenous people, so Woods Cree culture has always informed my values -- those of compassion, courage, good humour, plus that we have an obligation to the land, to each other, & to future generations.


In my province Saskatchewan, in Canada, & elsewhere on my travels, I have been fortunate enough to be surrounded by people & immersed in communities who care.


Though my first language is English, I first started learning French as a toddler watching Sesame Street & never looked back.  I've done all my studies, taught, worked, travelled, lived, & dreamed in French.


Together, these have been instrumental in galvanizing my lifelong commitment to inspire & contribute to communities that are greener, more inclusive, happier, & healthier.

I never sat back & let things happen to me.  As Da Vinci suggested, I went out & happened to things.

Most of my time as a kid was spent zipped into a life jacket in summer & a parka in winter.  I've enjoyed a lifetime of canoeing, hiking, & camping. 

I'm an adventurer.


I regularly run off to travel the world, immersing myself in the culture & exploring out of the way pockets of the globe.


I have a passion for plants, their beauty, their needs, the joys of seeing them grow, plus their benefits to our health.  I love sharing that passion with others.


As an avid plantswoman & gardener, I can recommend the right plant for the right place, alongside proper prep & planting to ensure future health.  I experiment with plants in really tough spots, or test their hardiness.  I routinely research new sustainable horticultural practices &  expand my plant knowledge.


I have a lifelong commitment to civic engagement & volunteerism, in my everyday & as an educator.  Now, I want to inspire spaces centered on the needs of the people & the land.


I’ve committed myself to the betterment of our communities both locally & internationally.  Here at Land of the Living, I want to share stories about inspirational community development initiatives that are greening the globe & building stronger, sustainable communities.


Much of my work has been about forging relationships, listening, building confidence, & connecting with people.  I’m personable, & have infectious enthusiasm.  I would love to hear about your stories


The process of collaborating always fascinates me -- sharing, recognizing & appreciating the best ideas, then merging them. Ultimately, together we can create something better. Interested in sharing or collaborating?




As an artist I get to immerse myself in the spirit of a place, or a people, to explore an idea.  As a designer I get to play.  Garden & landscape design combines my experiences.  You could say I'm creative by nature.


I want to show you that good garden & landscape planting designs are an art form -- sculpture that weaves texture, pattern, light, movement, & colour into a 3D tapestry.  They capture an atmosphere, a sense of place, or the character of the people who will use them.  Yet they grow & change through the seasons, the good ones improving over time.

This is what I strive to capture in my own planting designs.


​As a curious person & lifelong learner, I was naturally drawn to a teaching career.  Educating others always seems to find its way into my working life.


Always passionate & committed, I strive to foster curiosity, to inspire my students to think critically & imaginatively, to collaborate & be compassionate.

Here at LAND, I want to support & mentor both budding & experienced gardeners alike, inspiring you to plant a seed, learn a new skill, explore a new idea, or pick up a design pencil.

What do I bring to the table?

Please Note:

Due to chronic illness, I'm currently not taking on new design clients & projects.


Interested in bringing something to the table?

Land of the Living. A photo of the river & downtown Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. This picture shows the natural treed riverbanks, the city's downtown, and one of the 9 bridges.


Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Although I'm an intrepid adventurer, I love coming home.

Saskatoon is a friendly place where people smile at each other & know their neighbours.  A beautiful, green, dynamic, multicultural city bordering both sides of a river that weaves through the prairie parkland in Western Canada.

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